Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Cost of Worship

In the first few chapters of Leviticus we can read about the cost of Worship. The people had to bring their sacrifices and we read how the priests had to prepare it. Our professor yesterday talked about a time he went hunting and killed a deer. He asked us if we knew how much blood came out of one deer? He said imagine when it was time to bring the offerings and thousands upon thousands of people bringing their sacrifices and all the blood that was shed and how bloody and messy it was. These animals also cost the people. Animals were what people used to live off of and they had to bring the best. To be right before God it cost a lot.
The same is true today yet it seems we often forget just how much it cost for each of us to meet together this Sunday, to be right in the presence of God blood was shed, it was messy, and the cost was great. Are you walking today in a manner worthy of such a sacrifice? We have been purchased by His blood, we have been cleansed from our sins, we can now have a right relationship with our God. Walk in a way today that represents the great price that was paid for you.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


So this lady I saw on TV the other day had baboons living in her house. That in itself was strange to me but what really stuck out was the fact that these two monkeys had on diapers. I don't even remember what the rest of the story was about but all I could think of was these monkeys would never be potty trained. I look forward to having Andrew potty trained and not changing poopy diapers...this lady must be crazy! Not to mention they are 10X stronger than an adult man...so let's do some math here:

Monkey Diaper Poop + 10X Man Strength = Mess


Thursday, October 2, 2008


Just finishing up some greek homework.  I can see why it's a "dead" language, if it was the language of my time I'd let it die too.  Which leads me to something that goes on in my head, how does a language die?  Will the grim reaper show up tomorrow and put an end to English as we know it?  I just try and think of what it would be like if tomorrow the Governement declared our language dead, would I cry?  Would I even go to the funeral?  Probably not, I'm sure some distant cousin language would call me up and complain about me not caring, but I don't.  I guess I would at least send some flowers, but I couldn't send a note because the language just died and I haven't had time to even pick up a new one.  

Dear English Language as I know it:

"Don't Die  -Zack"